The Wellesley Historical Commission is holding three public forums over the coming weeks to discuss the high number of teardowns in Wellesley. The Historical Commission will present an overview of its proposed historic preservation demolition review bylaw and will welcome input and feedback from residents.
This type of bylaw exists in 148 municipalities in Massachusetts, including all of Wellesley’s abutters, and is designed to help cities and towns protect against the loss of historic structures and neighborhood character.
The public forums will be held on the following dates, all from 7:30pm to 9:00pm:
- Thursday, September 22, 2016 at the Warren Building, Room 008, 90 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA
- Monday, September 26, 2016 in the Great Hall at Wellesley Town Hall, Wellesley, MA
- Tuesday, September 27, 2016 at the Warren Building, Room 008, 90 Washington Street, Wellesley, MA
All are welcome to attend. For more information, please visit the demolition review portal on the Historical Commission’s website.